Lip Lift

As we age, the lips may begin to shrink and lose definition, creating a sagging effect because not as much of the teeth are revealed during a relaxed smile. Dr. Keith Ladner performs lip lift surgery in Denver to help patients from Greenwood Village, Colorado Springs, Parker, Castle Rock, and beyond improve the appearance of the lips and smile. By shortening the upper lip and turning the vermilion (the pink part of the lip) outward during a lip lift, Dr. Ladner creates a more voluminous and rolled-out lip for his patients.

Lip Lift Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 3
Before: Neck Lift with Liposuction & Platysmaplasty, Lip Lift
After: Neck Lift with Liposuction & Platysmaplasty, Lip Lift
Case: 1 of 2

Case #134

Neck Lift and Lip Lift
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Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Lip Lift Case 123 Before & After Front | Denver, CO | Ladner Facial Plastic Surgery
Before & After
Case: 2 of 2

Case #123

63 years old - Facelift with upper and lower blepharoplasty, lip lift, brow lift and CO2 laser resurfacing. 
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Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Lip Lift?

A lip lift can help patients of any age whose lips are not as full as they would like or who have a long space above their top lip. In fact, even patients in their 20s undergo this procedure with wonderful results.

Lip Lift Procedure

A lip lift shortens the distance between the bottom of the nose and the top of the lips. During the procedure, Dr. Ladner removes excess skin from the upper lip just beneath the nose in a bullhorn shape. Subcutaneous sutures are then placed to bolster the strength of the repair and to align the bottom of the nose with the top of the lip. The procedure is typically done in the office under local anesthesia.

After the procedure, the patient is left with a raised vermilion border (the edges of the lips), which defines the Cupid’s bow so that the lips look more enhanced.

Dr. Keith Ladner

Dr. Keith Ladner

Women and men trust their faces to double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Keith Ladner, whose world-class training includes a prestigious facial plastic and reconstructive surgery fellowship. As a specialist focusing exclusively on the face, Dr. Ladner uses the most advanced techniques to produce remarkable, natural-looking results.

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Credentials You Can Trust

Dr. Keith Ladner's Credentials

Lip Lift Recovery

A lip lift is done in the office under local anesthesia and typically takes less than 1 hour to perform. You will need to eat soft foods for the first few days. You may return to work 1-2 days after the procedure, but you will still be swollen. Sutures are removed at 1 week. The incision line can usually be concealed with makeup after 10 days but your mouth may still feel tight for the first few weeks. Swelling should be almost completely gone within 1 to 2 weeks.

Meet With Dr. Ladner

To learn more about lip lift surgery, you can request a consultation to meet with Dr. Ladner or call our office at  (303) 253-7686 to schedule an appointment.

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